Location of Quilt Barn Squares

Rowan County, KY - Foothills Quilt Trail Total List then individual  information

Rowan County, KY Foothills Quilt Trail

“Quilt Squares”
Click on the quilt square name tor more information.

Map of Rowan County Foothills Quilt Square Barn Trail

KEY # - Order Quilt Block Was Installed; Name of Quilt Pattern;  Structure Owner; Location; Sponsor of Quilt Block

1.       Maple Leaf  -  MSU Water Treatment PlantWilkinson Blvd. (on right on the bypass near junction of US-60 & Bridge St.) Grayson R C & D (Gateway Resource Conservation and Development Council Area)                       

2.       Clay’s Choice - Juanita Hall 4875 US-60 West (across road from entrance to Lakeview Heights) Juanita Hall

3.       Crossroads - Town of Farmers US-60 West (on left 6.7 miles from Morehead – near junction with Rt. 801) SEKTDA (Southern and Eastern Kentucky Tourism Development Association)

4.       Circle of Love - Jack & Joyce Williams7089 US-60 West (on left behind Ole Thyme Sweet Shop Tea Room)  SEKTDA                                   

5.       Delectable Mountain - Lynn & Brian MollohanRt. 801 North (on right 1.5 miles from junction with US-60 West) Grayson R C & D 

6.       Rolling Star - Charlie & Sue Fannin Harris 103 Fannin Rd. (on right 6 miles - faces Christy Creek Rd./Rt. 32 East)  Anonymous & Sue Harris

7.       Doves in the Window - Betty & Raymond Perry Rt. 519 (on left 6 miles from junction with US-60) SEKTDA       

8.     Old Maid’s Puzzle - Steve & Mark Lewis Rt. 519 (on left 6 miles (on left 5 miles from Rodburn)  Lewis & Lewis, LLC 

9.     Morning Star - Tim James & Lisa Sergent 7100 Christy Creek Rd. (Rt. 32) Anonymous & Tim James         

10. Flower Garden  - Eldon & Juanita Roe Elliottville (at corner of Rt. 504 & Rt. 32 Christy Creek Rd.) Morehead Tourism Commission   

11.    Whirling Pinwheels - Nan Wells 3975 Bluestone Road (near Rt. 32 Flemingsburg Rd. & the Kroger Center) Nan Wells

12.   Card Trick - Esther Riddle 2995 Dry Creek Road  (Rt. 1176) SEKTDA      

13.   Goose in the Pond  - Shelby & Art Litton Windstar Lane (on left 0.8 mile from Rt. 801 on Bluebank Rd.) Regena & Bernard Stone, Shelby & Art Litton, Angela & Anthony White, and Sheila & David Harmon  *in honor of Madge Carter      

14.    Florentine Diamond - Rev. Lloyd & Arvetta Dean 6770 US-60 East (on left just past Hayes Crossing & Rt. 174) SEKTDA  

15.    Country Star– Charles & Tammy Winkleman  3700 CCC Trail (across highway from vineyard) SEKTDA 

16.    Pinwheel Star – Donald & Elaine Logan and Donald L. Logan Rt. 158 (at junction with Rt. 32-W - Flemingsburg Rd.) Morehead Tourism Commission  

17.  Farmer’s Fields Morehead State University Farm MSU Farm Drive (off Rt. 377 Cranston Rd.) Morehead State University – 

18. Hole in the BarnClella Caldwell 4005 Lower Licking Rd. (faces the interstate) Clella Caldwell                           

19. Dresden PlateMorehead State University East First St. (in Morehead facing the Bypass - US60 & Rt. 32) Kentucky Folk Art Center

20. Cappy’s Fanfare - Danny Reynolds, Donny Reynolds, & Earl Reynolds, Jr Bluestone Rd. (Rt. 3319) at junction with Skaggs Rd.. Bill & Betty Phelps Sharp and Ross & Bonnie Phelps Sweatman *in memory of Capitola Phelps

21. Improved Nine Patch – Clyde & Wilda Mays 10565 Brown Ridge (Rt. 32E) Anonymous

22. Cheerful Pieced Basket Whitaker Bank 140 E. Main St. (on back of building overlooking drive-through windows)Whitaker Bank

23. Winged Star – David & Beverly Gilliam 6155 Flemingsburg Rd. (short distance from Rt. 32/Rt. 158 junction) SEKTDA

24. Log CabinDuane & Angie Catron 286 Ellington Loop (near Sharkey Rd. – Rt. 158) SEKTDA

25. Double Wedding Ring – John Dee & Carolyn Barnett 10755 Brown Ridge Rd. (Rt. 32 E) Anonymous

26. Twinkling Star  - Lodema Jones 700 Bluestone Rd. #15 (near US 60 West)    SEKTDA 

27. Tree of Life – Fuzzy Duck  

159 East Main St. at the old University Cinema site in Morehead, KY.  


Dan & Marjorie Thomas

28. Lone Star  - Jimmy & Dixie Blythe 12150 Cranston Rd. SEKTDA 

29. Maggie’s Quilt – Brownwood Bed & Breakfast 46 Carey Cemetery Rd. (off Rt. 801 near Minor E. Clark Fish Hatchery) SEKTDA

30. Americana Flag – Willie & Garnetta Pennington Rt. 158 at Sharkey (near junction with KY 801) SEKTDA

31. Crystal Star – Earl & Julia Anderson 2700 Rock Fork Rd. (near junction with Island Fork) Norma Anderson Porter  “Given in honor of her parents

32. Majestic Star Dr. Gerald DeMoss 1925 Big Woods Rd. (near junction with Big Brushy Rd.) Susan Hyatt “Given as a present to her fiance’”

33. Crazy Quilt – Coy & Jean Adkins 4094 CCC Trail Cave Run Arts Association

34. Fish Circle – Minor E. Clark Fish Hatchery KY 801 (near Cave Run Lake Dam)  SEKTDA

35. Feathered Star  - Harold & Anne Bullock 7092 US60-W at Farmers The Bullock Family

36. Friendship Star – Rowan County School System 5660 Cranston Rd. (on school near front doors) Tilden Hogge Elementary School Family Resource Center

37.    Star of the East – Mike & Diana King 41 Wayne Black Rd. (off of East Clack Mt. Rd.) SEKTDA

43. Green Mountain Wendell Purnell 6380 West US 60  SEKTDA 

44.  Sadie's Birds George & Sadie Brown Descendants 235 Dry Branch Rd. Geocode: 38.313479, -83.388573 Fred Brown

46. Our Mother's Guiding Star – Danny & Marti Knipp 6685 US60 East (at Hayes Crossing) Lawrence County, KY Quilt Square Project

48. Ohio Rose  Arv Allen , 2170 Cranston Rd. Claudette Edie & Friends *Given in memory of Janie Allen

51.    Indian Maze Mrs. James (Mary) Messer., wife of James (dec.) 111 Messer Rd. which is 2.8 miles out Christy Creek Rd. (Rt. 32).   Mrs. James (Mary) Messer

Free Standing quilt squares  a. - c.

a. Double Pinwheel – Donald & Victoria McBrayer 9425 Brown Ridge Rd. (at Wagoner’s Corner – Jct. of Rt. 32-E & Rt. 173) Don & Vickie McBrayer

b. Bluegrass Star – Judy Ramey 2285 KY 801-N Judy Ramey

c. Gingerbread Boy – Ole Thyme Sweet Shop & Tea Room 7089 US 60 West (Farmers) Jack & Joyce Williams

e. Celtic CrossOn backside of 4H quilt square at the present courthouse on Main St. 


Next Square

Map of Kentucky Quilt Trail - under construction


“Total List of Quilt Squares”


  1.  Maple Leaf  - 215 Bridge St. (faces Wilkinson Blvd.- the Bypass)
  2.  Clay’s Choice - 4875 US60 West (across from emtrance to Lakeview Heights)
  3.  Crossroads – 7651 US60 West (at junction with Rt. 801 at Farmers)
  4.  Circle of Love - 7089 US-60 West (Ole Thyme Sweet Shop)
  5.  Delectable Mountain – 1450 Rt. 801 North
  6.  Rolling Star - 103 Fannin Rd. (off Christy Creek – Rt. 32)
  7.  Doves in the Window - Rt. 519 (6 miles from US-60)
  8.  Old Maid’s Puzzle – 5000 Christy Creek Rd. ((5 mi.from Rodburn)
  9.  Morning Star - 7100 Christy Creek Rd. (Rt. 32)
  10.  Flower Garden  - 114 KY Hwy 504 (near junction with Rt. 32 E - Elliottville)

11.  Whirling Pinwheels - 3975 Bluestone Rd. (near Kroger Center)

12.  Card Trick - 2995 Dry Creek Road  (Rt. 1176)

13.  Goose in the Pond  - Windstar Lane (faces Bluebank Rd.)

14.  Florentine Diamond - 6770 US60 E (at Hayes Crossing)

15.  Country Star – 3700 CCC Trail (near Winery)

16.  Pinwheel Star – Rt. 158 (at Junction with Rt. 32 - Flemingsburg Rd.)

  1.  Farmer’s Fields – 275 MSU Farm Drive (off Rt. 377 - Cranston Rd.)
  2.  Hole in the Barn – 4005 Lower Licking Rd. (Rt. 1722)
  3.  Dresden Plate – On backside of 4Hsquare at present Courthouse
  4.  Cappy’s Fanfare – 2201 Bluestone Rd. (Rt. 3319) – at junction with Skaggs Rd.
  5.  Improved Nine Patch – 10565 Brown Ridge (Rt. 32E)
  6.  Cheerful Pieced Basket – 140 E. Main St. (back of Whitaker Bank)
  7. Winged Star – 6155 Flemingsburg Rd. (Rt. 32W)
  8. Log Cabin – 286 Ellington Loop (Sharkey)
  9. Double Wedding Ring – 10755 Brown Ridge Rd. (Rt. 32E)
  10. Twinkling Star  - 700 Bluestone Rd. (Rt. 3319) near US60-W       
  11. Tree of Life   240 Morehead Plaza (Fuzzy Duck Coffee Shop)
  12. Lone Star  - 12150 Cranston Rd. (Rt. 377)
  13. Maggie’s Quilt – 46 Carey Cemetery Rd. (off KY Hwy. 801-S near Fish Hatchery)
  14. Crystal Star  - 2700 Rock Fork Rd.- Rt. 799 (at junction with Island Fork Rd.)
  15. Majestic Star  - 1925 Big Woods Rd. (off Big Brushy Rd. – Rt. 785)
  16. Americana Flag – 2729 Sharkey Rd. – Rt. 158 (at junction with Rt. 801)
  17. Crazy Quilt – 4094 CCC Trail (near Winery)
  18. Fish Circle – 120 Fish Hatchery Rd. (1455 KY Hwy 801 S)  (at Fish Hatchery)
  19. Feathered Star – 7092 US60-West (Farmers)
  20. Friendship Star – 5660 Cranston Rd. (Rt. 377) - at Tilden Hogge Elem. School
  21. Star of the East – 41 Wayne Black Rd. (just off of East Clack Mt. Rd.)
  22. Fort Sumpter -  6359 Hwy. 519 (on Liddie Lane)
  23. Dutch Dolls – 1464 McBrayer Rd.
  24. Dilithium Crystals – 557 McBrayer Rd., Clearfield
  25. Turtle Creek – 81 North Mill Branch, Clearfield
  26. Mamaw's Log Cabin – 1370 Big Brushy R, (Rt. 785)
  27. Green Mountain - 6380 US-60 West
  28. Sadie's Birds – 235 Dry Branch Rd. (off Cranstn Rd. - Rt. 377)
  29. Ohio Star – 1305 Bluestone Rd. - Rt. 3319)
  30. Our Mothers' Guiding Star – 6685 US-60 East
  31. Country Checkers – 2000 Bullfork Rd.
  32. Ohio Rose – 2170 Cranston Rd. (Rt. 377)
  33. Round Robin – 9683 Cranston Rd.  (Rt. 377)
  34. Grandma's Fan – 130 Holly Fork Rd.
  35. Indian Maze - 111 Messer Rd.
  36. Murray's Maple Leaf – 2615 Big Brushy Rd. (Rt. 785)
  37.  Prosperity – 725 Big Brushy Rd. (Rt. 785)
  38. Cathedral Window - 2065 US-60 West
  39. Springtime Blossom – 850 Pennington Flat Rd.
  40. Floral Sunburst – 3230 Open Fork Rd.
  41. Rocky Road to Dublin – 101 Lambert Hollow
  42. Horse & Hollyhocks – 1375 Clearfork Rd.
  43. Moon over the Mountain - MSU Education Bldg.
  44. Heart of America - 700 Cimarron Rd.
  45. Pansy- 675 Seas Branch
  46. The Compass – 8745 Cranston Rd.
  47. Old Fashioned Double Wedding Ring - 1200 Rock Fork Rd.
  48. Rail Fence - 300 Rock Fork Rd.
  49. Star of David - Little Perry Road
  50. Trip Around the World - Cranston Rd. (Rt. 377)
  51. Kentucky Chain - McBrayer Elementary School
  52. Peacock Proud - Rodburn Elementary School
  53. Whirlabout - 5825  Oak Grove Road (Rt. 1167)
  54. Bright Hopes - Clearfield Elementary School
  55. 4-H Celebration - East Main St., Courthouse
  56. Country Kids - 1955 East Clack Mountain Road
  57. Picket Fence - 5533 Bull Fork Road
  58. Bachelor's Puzzle - 850 Grassy Lick Rd.
  59. Monkey Wrench - Rt. 173
  60. Whirligig - 27 Amanda Lane
  61. Bear's Paw - 129 Shilo Rd., Big Brushy
  62. Broken Path - Open Fork Rd.
  63. Thunderbird Sioux Star - KY 519
  64. Drunkard's Path- 370 Valley Road
  65. Spool - 1080 Rice Road
  66. Crow's Foot - Oney Rd., Little Perry
  67. Nautical Star - Hungry Hollow Rd.
  68. Scimitar - Cranston Rd.

4' x 4' Quilt Squares:


A. Double Pinwheel – 9425 Brown Ridge (on store at junction of Rt. 32 E & Rt. 173)

B. Bluegrass Star – 2285 KY Hwy 801 N (next to Hunter Lane)

C. Gingerbread Boy – 7089 US60 West (on Ole Thyme Sweet Shop Tea Room)

      D. Little Boy Fishing - Island Fork Rd.

E. Celtic Cross - Caudill Cemetery Rd.


*8x8 not part of Quilt Trail

      Angel's Black Angel - Maysville

*4x4 not part of Quilt Trail:

      Bluegrass Star – gift for a father who lives in Elliott Co.

      All-American – fundraiser square won by a resident of Louisville, KY; remains in Morehead

      Green Mountain – gift for a son who lives in Vermont

      Double Wedding Ring- gift from someone from Maysville for mother in Louisville, KY

Summary: 89 quilt squares  [Installed: 84(8x8) + 5 (4x4)]

                        5 (out of county/state - done)

Installation Forthcoming:


Star Four Patch

8x8 Quilt Squares To Be Painted:

            Starry Night

            Schoenrock Cross